Shedding light on curtain making

How do you make curtains? Well, curtains aren’t simple to make. There are plenty of variables, from deciding what style and size of curtains you want to make to choosing the best fabric and making sure you have the right tools for the job. Luckily, here at Sewing time we’ve put together a checklist of the tools needed and a how-to guide just for you. Here is a quick checklist to ensure you have all the things needed for you to make curtains:

  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine/curtain manufacturing machine
  • Thread
  • Unpicker
  • Curtain tape (Header tape / Rufflette)
  • Curtain fabric (plus lining fabric for lined curtains)

Firstly, decide what type of curtains would you like to make:

  • Unlined: single layer fabric with piping on the sides and bottom with a choice of top finishes. 
  • Lined: Same as above, but with an extra layer of fabric. The lining fabric is usually plain cream or white cotton or satin. 
  • Interlined: Basically the same as Lined curtains, except they have extra padding between the fabric and the curtain lining. This extra lining is called a bump and is a quilt-like fabric.

Secondly, work out what size curtains you need before calculating the amount of fabric you need. If you only need to make fairly narrow curtains (less than the width of the fabric) this is an easy fix. However, if you need to make curtains that are wider than one fabric width, it can be more difficult to figure out exactly how much curtain fabric you need.

Thirdly, choose your fabric for sewing your curtains. Decide on colour, fabric weight, thickness and grain.

Finally, the preparation is over, it’s time to cut your fabric into pieces that are slightly longer than the final length of the curtains you are sewing since we wouldn’t want you to turn your fabric into unusable pieces. Then it’s time to sew.

We have a fantastic range of curtain manufacturing equipment from the world’s best brands that will make it a breeze to sew, pleat, hem and cut your preferred fabric. This makes the manufacturing process easy and reliable, creating quality curtains in the comfort of your own home. For our advice on what will best match your specific requirements, get in touch with us today and we’ll advise you every step of the way.